Custom case for brooch. High jewelry French manufacturer

The ancestor of the brooch is the fibula, from the Latin fibula meaning "tie". Usually made of metal, the earliest date from the Bronze Age . If the brooch has never had the virtues of a symbolic jewel, such as a  ring  or a pendant, it is initially used to  fix  the ends of a  garment , before later becoming a parade jewel because it is not a jewel. of skin that sublimates the face of women, it  highlights  the garment.

If it was necessary to establish a classification, the pin would hold the second position, just behind the ring. It can be  worn in a thousand ways , offset on the shoulder, classic on the lapel of a jacket. The brooch goes hand in hand with daring, which lends itself to endless combinations accepting  the extravagance  of  color .

Custom case for brooch. High jewelry French manufacturer
The most discussed representation subjects are: animals, birds and wild animals, insects such as  dragonflies  and butterflies,  plants  such as diamond wreaths,  flowers , and  knots . It is the height of refinement.
It is exhibited in windows. And what better than a tailor-made box to highlight it. The brooch can be stitched directly into the goat suede cushion, or pinned to a pressure strap. 


Custom case for brooch. High jewelry French manufacturer

 Simple opening case


Custom case for brooch. High jewelry French manufacturer

 Double opening case



Option: Protection box.


French page : Ecrin à broche